So I would love to introduce myself to the blogging world by telling everyone a little bit about myself and where I am in my life/career. By the way I am still working on my blog colors :)
Starting off, about two years ago I took a wonderful class with a wonderful wedding coordinator. Her name is Melisssa Distefano and she owns Masterpiece Weddings. This class solidified where I wanted my career to go and what I wanted to do with my life. I moved to Orlando, Florida and currently I am in my last two classes to finish my bachelor's in science with a focus in marketing and management. I am very, very, very excited to complete my degree :D
I am also in the process of completing my wedding coordinating certification through Masterpiece Weddings. This involves interning with an amazing florist by the name of Lee Forrest. He owns Lee Forrest Design in Winter Park, Florida (right outside of Orlando) and his work is fabulous! I also intern with Melissa learning the ins and outs of wedding coordinating. I LOVE weddings and I LOVE everything that goes into my internships.
To pay my rent I am a pharmacy technician with CVS pharmacy. I am going on five years as a pharmacy tech. I like my job, and I am crazy about my coworkers. However, this is not my true passion in life and I would really like to pursue something that I LOVE to do.
My major hobby right now is working out. I typically work out every day for about two hours. I am not really a health freak, but I want to be fit, healthy, and live longer. I also really like to read, but lately I have not had a lot of time to read for enjoyment because I have been so busy with everything else.
This is where I am at in life, and this is where my blog will begin. I will try to post about my journey as I learn and experience things within the wedding industry. I will also try to incorporate pictures, ideas, and inspiration.
Happy blogging everyone!